Four years ago, the Kansas State Board of Education launched its new vision for education - Kansas leads the world in the success of each student - and identified key outcomes Kansans said they valued. These outcomes include social-emotional growth, kindergarten readiness, Individual Plan of Study, civic engagement, high school graduation and postsecondary success.
Today we are pleased to announce the launch of the Kansas Can Star Recognition program, designed to recognize districts for success achieved in the individual outcome areas.
For this inaugural year of the program, the state is recognizing districts in these areas:
- Commissioner's Award: Exceeding predicted postsecondary effectiveness rates
- Kansas Can Star Recognition (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper) for
* Academically Prepared for Postsecondary Success
* High School Graduation
* Postsecondary Effectiveness
USD 235 Uniontown Schools were presented with the following awards for this first year:
- Postsecondary Effectiveness: Copper
- Graduation Rate: Copper
- Commissioner's Award
Congratulations to students, staff, and board members at USD 235 Uniontown for their exceptional work toward achieving the state board's vision for Kansas education.