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USD 235 Uniontown is actively monitoring the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) situation in the United States. The situation is rapidly evolving, and we continue to monitor information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), and the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE).

A group of students was scheduled to leave for Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and Houston, Texas on an FFA Trip this morning (3/12/20).  Due to some developments yesterday we made the decision to keep our students at home.  The Houston Livestock Show that students were travelling to Texas to attend was canceled by the events sponsors yesterday.  They were also scheduled to stop in Oklahoma City to attend a livestock show as well.  All students who were scheduled to attend this year will be able to attend next year.

We do not want to be alarmists but the potential exposure of our students and possible risk upon return to our school, community members, and students’ relatives was not worth the trip, especially considering the primary reason for the trip was canceled.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) please clink on either of the links below.


Bret Howard, Superintendent

KDHE COVID-19 Resource Center:

CDC Coronavirus Information: