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USD 235 Uniontown is actively monitoring the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) situation in Kansas and the United States. The situation is rapidly evolving, and we continue to monitor information from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

As of 12:15 PM on Thursday, March 12, there were 3 (three) confirmed cases of Coronavirus Disease in the State of Kansas. All three cases were in the Johnson County area. All cases, per KDHE, were from people travelling out of state and then bringing the disease back to Kansas with them.

Key symptoms of COVID-19 include; the quick onset of shortness of breath combined with fever and body aches. Much like symptoms from bronchitis and/or pneumonia. A lot of misinformation is being put out concerning the coronavirus. A great resource is the Kansas Department of Health and Environment website: At the top of the webpage is a banner that is also a link: COVID-19 Resource Center. It has information and daily updates regarding Coronavirus in the State of Kansas.

If you are running a fever, we ask that you stay home and do not come to school until you have been fever free for a minimum of 24 hours without using medication. I firmly believe this is a time to be vigilant but not panic. Continue to use proper hygiene by frequently washing your hands.

USD 235 Uniontown will continue to monitor and take input from the Bourbon County Health Department, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, and the Kansas State Department of Education.
We will be following all KDHE guidelines and recommendation concerning the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). If you have any questions about the disease please refer to the KDHE website: or use the following links: KDHE COVID-19 Resource Center: CDC Coronavirus Information:

Bret Howard, Superintendent
Uniontown USD 235