At the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, Governor Laura Kelly, and the Speaker of the House, as well as our own concern for the safety and well-being of our students and families, we have made the decision that ALL USD 235 schools will be closed Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 20.
Effective immediately, all district events and extracurricular activities are canceled until the District reopens or further notice. This includes all district-sponsored PD, athletics, fine arts, clubs, and group events. This also includes the weight room and Fitness Center.
Spring Break, March 23-March 27th, will continue as scheduled. Closing all schools during this period of time provides Kansas officials and USD 235 administration the time needed to finalize a comprehensive plan for how to address COVID-19.
While the district is closed, the District Crisis Response Team and essential personnel for this evolving situation will continue to consult with local health authorities and convene virtually and regularly in order to conduct a full and ongoing assessment of risks for students and staff.
We encourage our students and staff to follow recommended social distancing and healthy hygiene habits provided by KDHE and the Bourbon County Health Department.
(Staff message only) Tomorrow, Monday, March 16, no staff will report. Staff are encouraged, however, to watch email for possible updates in the next few days concerning what essential staff may be asked to return to work