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USD 235 Update on Tuesday, March 17 – Lunches are available on Thursday, March 19.  Please notify Michelle DeMott. See information below.


In accordance with helping parents and students during the Coronavirus Pandemic, USD 235 will continue serving lunches several times a week going forward.  We served 50 lunches today to people 0-18 years of age. We will only be making lunches for the amount of people who have called and notified our Food Service Director Michelle DeMott that they want lunches.  Sack lunches may be picked up at the following locations between the times of 11:45 AM – 12:15 PM on Thursday, March 19: Uniontown (WBE Main Entrance Outside); Redfield (Marmaton Community Church – West Side); Bronson (Bronson Locker); and Mapleton (City Park).

Each day there will be breakfast items and lunch items available to students for two days.  Thursday will have (Thursday lunch, Friday Breakfast, and Friday Lunch).  Please understand, we will only have the above-mentioned pick up points.  We will be unavailable to deliver door-to-door.  If you plan to participate we ask that you call Food Service Director Michelle DeMott (620-238-4968) and let her know as well as the number of student-meals, you want to pick up.  Also, please understand that the students will need to be there to pick up the meals.  We are not able to let adults pick up meals for students with no students present. 

We will not have lunches available during Spring Break but will look to start up again after Spring Break if the need arises.  We will send out more information if that becomes necessary.

We have also placed a link for current information relating to the Coronavirus on our website.  It is a red button at the top of the page titled: “COVID-19 INFORMATION”  It can also be located by going to -