USD 235 Parents/Guardians,
As we close out our fifth week of #ContinuousLearning the USD 235 way, I continue to be proud of the job you are doing. If you are having any issues, please communicate with your child’s teacher. You may also communicate with your building principal or Superintendent. We are all here for you!!
I want to thank and recognize all of our USD 235 teachers during National Teacher Appreciation Week. We were able to purchase yard signs for all of them. It was a challenge to get all of the signs delivered, but Mr. Reith, Mr. Eden, Sheriff Martin and the Bourbon County Sheriff’s Office and I were able to pull it off. The last sign was delivered Friday morning to Mr. Durnell near El Dorado Springs, Missouri!
Mr. Eden, (Principal at West Bourbon Elementary), will be placing information on-line in the near future about WBE Technology Check-In on Thursday, May 21. Be on the lookout for that information next week.
Mr. Reith, (Principal at Uniontown Junior High/High School), will also be placing information on-line next week about UJH/HS Schedule. There will be a chance to pick up 2nd Semester Grade Reports and 2020-21 class schedules at this time. The schedule will be posted and will be very similar to the schedule for device pick-up in April.
Our seniors (Class of 2020) were able to come check their materials in for the last time earlier today. It was great to see familiar faces and hear in person how they were doing.
I am still enjoying seeing all of the projects that so many of our students are doing in their classes or to receive credit for their classes. The seniors were in the building today returning their technology devices and textbooks and picking up their caps/gowns. We nearly have the graduation plans finalized and will be making those dates public after our May 11 Board of Education Meeting.
We are placing all of these stories on our Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as our webpage. Please visit for our webpage. You can also access our Social Media Accounts from the webpage. We also have an app available to download to any smartphone or device. You may access the app by going to the Google Store or Apple App Store.
Our administrative team continues to meet and review Governor Kelly’s Plan to Reopen Kansas. For K-12 Schools there are not any substantial changes at this time. The governor’s original Executive Order closing school buildings until May 29 remains in effect. We still have the limit of 10 in a building with social distancing of 6 feet. I am attaching a picture of Phase 1 to this post so all of you can see the plan. I will also post a PDF of the complete plan on our website and Facebook pages.
Our technology staff continues to do an incredible job of getting issues worked out. If your student is having problems please email for tech support. Please describe your issue and leave a cellphone number so the tech staff can contact you.
We remain concerned about all of our students and we do want to make contact with them each week. I know our staff has reached out to either the students or the parents to try and make these contacts to see if there is anything we can do to help. We want everyone to know we need to work together and communicate to have a successful conclusion to this school year.
We are still providing meals on Tuesday and Thursday each week. Those meals have multiple days’ breakfast and lunch in them. Our meal program is still providing over 225 meals daily. If you are interested in participating in the meal program, please call our Food Service Director Michelle DeMott at 620-238-4968 to sign up. She will ask for some information of either a pick up point or your rural address for a delivery. Our last delivery day for meals will be on Tuesday, May 19. We plan to begin serving meals again in June. Please be on the look-out for more detailed information next week.
If there is something you think we need to know about, please contact individual teachers with your circumstances. You can also reach out to the building principal: West Bourbon Elementary (Mr. Vance Eden) at and Uniontown JH/HS (Mr. Mike Reith) at or USD 235 Superintendent (Bret Howard) at
Bret Howard, Uniontown USD 235 Superintendent