USD 235 Parents/Guardians,
We are closing out our final full week of #USD235ContinuousLearning. I want to thank all of you for your time and efforts as we have worked together during these past months.
Tuesday, May 19 is our last day for Pre-K students through 11th grade. We have asked our teachers to have grades finalized no later than 8:00 AM on Wednesday, May 20. This will allow our administrative assistants time to print out grade reports and organize them for handing out to students on Thursday, May 21 during technology/textbook check-in.
Please remember to follow the schedule posted for student technology check-in. The schedule for WBE may be found by clicking on the following link: and the schedule for the JH/HS may be found by clicking on the following link:
I have really enjoyed seeing all of the projects that so many of our students are doing in their classes or to receive credit for their classes. The work put into these projects was appreciated! I also enjoyed seeing the senior recognition commercial on television. If you have not seen the video you may go to the following link to view it: The video is being shown on four different television stations. The times the commercials will aire may be seen at the following link:
We are placing all of these stories on our Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as our webpage. Please visit for our webpage. You can also access our Social Media Accounts from the webpage. We also have an app available to download to any smartphone or device. You may access the app by going to the Google Store or Apple App Store.
Our last delivery day for meals in May will be on Tuesday, May 19. Our meal program is still providing over 225 meals daily. If you are interested in participating in the meal program, please call our Food Service Director Michelle DeMott at 620-238-4968 to sign up. She will ask for some information of either a pick up point or your rural address for a delivery. We plan to begin serving meals again in June. The first day for meals in June will be on June 2 and we will serve every Tuesday and Thursday through June 25.
If there is something you think we need to know about, please contact individual teachers with your circumstances. You can also reach out to building principals: West Bourbon Elementary (Mr. Vance Eden) at and Uniontown JH/HS (Mr. Mike Reith) at or USD 235 Superintendent (Bret Howard) at
One of my favorite movies is Shawshank Redemption. A line from the movie that I find myself drawn to at this time is, “Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”
As the 2020-21 school year comes to a close there will be a time for reflection. My hope is that we use this time to learn, adapt, evolve and grow as individuals, as a school district, and as a society.
My hope is that all of you are well. My hope is that you have a great summer. My hope is that I see all of you again real soon. My hope is that 2020-21 will be our best year yet.
Bret Howard, Uniontown USD 235 Superintendent