Dear USD 235 parents and guardians,
USD 235 is preparing to reopen our buildings for students and staff to return to school in August. We fully anticipate our buildings being open in August, but to what capacity is still undecided.
USD 235 has formed a Return-to-School Committee to start planning for the reopening of our school buildings. Included on the committee are administrators, directors, nurses, teachers, and representatives from the SEK Health Department, Community Health Center, Bourbon County Emergency, and SEK Mental Health. The Return-to-School plan will be devised based on the level of community spread of the COVID-19 virus.
We would like for you to provide the district with your thoughts and comments about your student returning to school in August. We are asking all parents and guardians to complete a survey using the link below:
USD 235 Parent/Guardian Return-to-School Survey
USD 235 takes very seriously the safety of our students and staff. We understand a global pandemic has caused a major disruption to how we have provided an education for our students. USD 235 wants you to know we are going to do our best to ensure the safety for all. Our educational system will not look like it did in the past. Working with our students, parents, and guardians, we will do our best to provide an adaptable learning system to continue to allow ALL students to reach USD 235’s mission of helping ALL students to become independent, responsible, and productive citizens.
Bret Howard, Uniontown USD 235 Superintendent