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USD 235 Parents, Guardians, Students and Patrons:

We are releasing a document that was presented to the USD 235 Board of Education on Thursday, July 30.  This document is a living document with many moving parts. This plan has not been approved by the Board of Education at this time.  We wanted to release this plan to the public so you could see it and understand what the first day of school MAY look like. 

The Superintendent’s in all four counties of the Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Department are all meeting with the SEKMCHD next week. If any new information becomes available, or we are allowed to modify our plan in any way, that will be communicated to you as soon as possible.

The administrative team, along with the USD 235 Reopen School Committee comprised of 15 people, has spent a substantial part of the last month looking over recommendations from the Kansas State Department of Education, the Kansas Association of School Boards, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, the Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Department, the CDC, and the Kansas State High School Activities Association.

All of us want to bring students back to school in our buildings for face-to-face learning.  The experiences that many have been accustomed to for years along with some of our traditions we have in our buildings may not be able to continue in exactly the same ways if we have all of our students attending.

This plan was created with having all students return to the buildings while also keeping students physical and mental health in mind.

We have many items that we must include in our plan due to current state laws, rules, and guidelines.  Should any of those laws, rules, or guidelines change we will continue to review our plan and update or modify if possible.

It is my hope that we do not allow issues to divide us.  If we do, then we are not any different than those at the national and/or state levels that use politics to drive a wedge between people.

We have already begun hearing some of that and it truly makes me sad.  At the end of the day we are all Uniontown Eagles.  It is my hope and prayer that we all can remember this very fact.While I have only been an Eagle for the past three years, I take great pride in saying I work at Uniontown USD 235.

We will be releasing a survey to parents/guardians on Monday, August 3.  We will ask questions relating to their plans of returning to school. 

Link to USD 235 Reopen Plan:


Bret Howard, Uniontown USD 235 Superintendent