Way to go Uniontown Eagle Family! We have been in school face to face for 26 DAYS! This is something that many may have thought would be an impossible achievement not long ago. It really is an achievement and one we should and need to celebrate for a moment or two. All the work and effort you have put into this school year is to be commended.
Students -Thank you for your patience and efforts with the school year. It is not easy and it is not how we imagined it for you. Washing hands, mask breaks, six feet and all the rest are making a difference. Because of this and all your other efforts to be healthy, you are at least in your classrooms interacting with your classmates and teachers. Please try and remember you are making memories and that one day you will look back on all of this and be able to say in your best “mom/dad voice”, “I went to school and was educated during the coronavirus pandemic!” This hardship will be your new “walking to school uphill both ways” slogan that your mom/dad/grandparents always use to explain their trials and efforts when they were kids! Hang in there, you are doing GREAT!
Parents and Guardians- We appreciate your attention to the details needed to keep your students healthy and in school. Keep monitoring your travel, washing hands, social distancing, and keeping your kids home if they are exhibiting any symptoms. USD 235 knows that your consideration of all of these actions is not easy, but we all see the payoff--We get to stay in School!
Teachers, Staff, and Admin- Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We know it has not been easy and is nowhere near normal and certainly not something you “signed-up” for when you made the choice to work in a school. Many of you will say no one can imagine what you are doing or that no one can see your efforts. That may be true; but what they can see is very important. Because what they can see is ... that your efforts are making school happen this year. That is all that matters! Keep being GREAT!
To our Communities- Thank you for sticking it out with us. We are all in this big “pressure cooker” together and we appreciate your efforts to keep our communities healthy! It is true “it” may be coming to our area… but for now, you have done a good job keeping us in a “healthy bubble.” Thanks for working so hard for our area’s health - - - especially for our students!
What tomorrow or next week brings could be totally different than the first twenty-six days; but we have made it this far! This is truly something to celebrate and it is a GREAT opportunity to have had a successful start! Uniontown USD 235 appreciates YOU and all the little things you do to keep us in school!
Keep up the good work, Be GREAT! And Stay WELL!